Electric Mobility

Tata Power-DDL signs MoU with ISGF for new V2G technology demonstration in North Delhi

Riddhi Mukherjee

Notable because

Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology allows EVs to act as mobile energy storage (ESS) units. These help in managing grid demand effectively by shifting charging to off-peak periods and supplying it back to the grid during peak hours. India’s growing EV fleet could unlock significant benefits from V2G technologies by creating vast distributed ESS capacity. This, in turn, could significantly contribute to meeting India’s ESS needs, estimated at 206 GWh as per the CEA’s optimal generation mix report.

What to look out for in the months ahead

How can concerns about how continuous charging and discharging cycles impact EV battery life be addressed? A demonstration project can be a vital learning experience before widespread commercial deployment. Selling electricity back to the grid benefits EV owners. It remains to be seen how a business model involving aggregators for setting up V2G infrastructure will emerge for commercial implementation.