On bill tariff model is a ‘hire-purchase’ model where the customers pay a tariff or service charge to the discoms for providing rooftop solar systems as a service.

Benefits to discoms
- Increased revenue for discoms through collection of service charges paid by consumers.
Benefits to consumers
- Installation of solar does not bind the consumer to the property as the ownership of the system is transferable upon the sale of the property. This increases the consumers’ willingness to participate in the project.
- Consumers’ overhead expenses are minimal as the rooftop services are provided by discoms.
Benefits to developers
- Low risk to the developers as they are paid upfront for the capital.
Source : Utility-centric Business Models for Rooftop Solar Models (USAID, 2008)
Target Consumer SegmentConsumers with exclusive roof access and cannot bear the upfront cost of solar system installation
LocationConsumer rooftops
Asset OwnershipDiscom – transferred to consumer upon capital repayment
Metering ArrangementNet-metering
Role of DiscomService providing
Level of involvement by utilityHigh
Need for partnershipsHigh
Revenue to DISCOMHigh
Skill RequirementMedium
Risk to UtilityHigh